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UK Eco Tourism - Sustainable Tourism with Eco Holidays

The concept of being green is not a new one in this century. Saving the human race from destroying itself has been a passion for many people and groups for some time. Saving the planet is a newer idea but, not that new. We all know the theory about global warming so now, it is time to make a choice to do something about it.

Designed with Eco Holidays in mind

This site has been designed with this concept in mind. We want you to be able to start from where you live and find what there is close to you to enjoy first. Traveling as little as possible to enjoy an Eco holiday is a step in the right direction. Even small steps like this will go a long way if enough people choose to do it.

Eco Travel can mean public transport or on foot

It seems obvious but maybe it isn't. If there is a bus or train that can take you to where you want to go why should we use it? Simple. It is going there anyway, having 1, 2 or 10 extra passengers on board will not make as much difference to the carbon emissions of a bus or train as you taking your car. To go one step further, travel with a rucksack and on foot.

Eco Tourism means close to home but not at home

Eco tourism in the UK starts with you staying close to home but, still enjoying yourself on your holidays. Keeping your carbon footprint down to a minimum, yet still managing to do what ever tourist want to do, enjoy new experiences. An eco holiday will make a difference. Seeing the wildlife and perhaps helping the environment at the same time. Don't just walk the path, take some indigenous plants, bulbs, seeds or trees and plant them.

This idea of sustainable tourism makes for a world that is that little bit greener. All you have to do is decide to stay a little closer to home to make that difference. The closer you stay the greener your holiday will be. We want to help you and we hope you would like to help us as well.

You can help by telling us, and thus telling all the readers of this site, what there is to see and do where you live in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The more we have to share the more people will find out and hopefully go and see local attractions. Although we appreciate the people like less eco friendly tourist attractions, we would prefer to know about more sustainable types of attractions.

What we are looking for is natural beauty spots and things as such. Views from a local lake or even a pond. A nature reserve that is close by your home would be great to know about. A forest or copse of trees that need bit of help to keep under control would be wonderful.

Help us to help you to be greener

We want you to tell us what you have near you that people can see and perhaps help maintain. The idea is: we hope you will help us to help you save our natural wonders. In the long term, this goes a step toward saving our planet

You can send us details and photographs of your nearby attractions that you think fits in the theme of Eco friendly holiday travel on our RECENT ARTICLES page.

Thanks in anticipation.